Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Embarasing moment

I am sitting in a library, surfing the net, and an ovarian cyst I have been carying around for months (I get these quite regularly) just burst. This is one of the most unpleasant experiences imaginable, as it results in a sudden rush of water (I'm told it's similar to a pregnant woman's water breaking) that is absolutely uncontrolable, and looks like you just peed in your pants.
Well, the guy at the table next to me obviously noticed, at around the same time I did, the water dripping down the leg of the chair on which I am sitting, and promptly moved several seats over. I am now too embarassed to move untill this has dried somewhat, for fear of landing the person who takes this seat after me with more than they bargained for. Oh well, I guess I'll be working here a little longer than I originally intended.


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