Monday, August 22, 2016

why don't we value artists?

My darling friend M is an artist. Her art is life-enriching and beautiful and important. She works with very young people and very old people and a good number of people in between, and she does work that makes the world a better place by creating connections between people.
M works harder than so many people in more conventional jobs, and she earns almost enough money to live on. But it's not quite enough. She is dependent a lot on family and friends for places to live. M is alone a lot. She tours for many months of the year, and she tours alone. She makes friends and visits friends all over. But when she visited me, S was mean and disparaging and rude to her. S says it's because she's "a flake" but she won't really explain what she means by that. M thinks that S is jealous. Perhaps S has reason to be jealous. M is interesting and exciting and skillful. She's beautiful and sexy and so much fun to spend time with. And I'm polyamorous by nature, so loving S doesn't stop me from loving M. Except that S doesn't want me to, and M is herself monogamous and not interested in being involved with someone who isn't. So I'm not going to be in a romantic relationship with M. But under different circumstances I would jump at the opportunity. And I enjoy the heck out of the time I get to spend with M. I want more of it.
There's an anomaly to the timing of my work that means that I could go on tour with M. Not always, just occasionally. I could assist her with some of the things that she scrambles to get help with, and I could go to interesting places, and get to experience that creativity that is in the places M tours. Except because M is single and I would date her if the circumstances were different, I can't tour with her without S being very, very upset. And I can't invite M to visit as often as I want to. M doesn't get to stay with me when she's scrambling for a place to be. And I'm starting to resent that. I'm angry that someone like M, who does work that means so much to me, doesn't get to accept my support, and doesn't get taken seriously because her work doesn't fit the conventions of productivity in this system.

I want to live a life that would accommodate M and others like her. I want to have the sort of relaxed home that she can drop into and stay in, perhaps for several months at a time, when she's between tours or between places. I want to share what I have with her and with others. And I'm angry that she gets considered a flake for needing that sort of sharing, and I'm angry that I get considered impractical and idealistic for wanting to offer it.

I'm angry that it's hard for people like me to share what we have with the people we value, and I'm angry that it's hard for people like her to do what she does so well.


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